Forgotten Felines of Culpeper
a 501(c)(3) nonprofit rescue
Rescuing the abandoned and forgotten, with no cat left behind.
Foster Mommies, Daddies,
& Families Needed

Fostering is a great opportunity to love a kitten or cat and know that you made a HUGE difference in his or her life. There is no better fulfillment from fostering than seeing a poor kitten or cat come off the streets where he had no shelter from the excessive heat of summer or blustery cold of winter and no food, perhaps all alone, when no one cared and YOU are the person that is going to make it all better.
YOU are the person who will let that poor kitty know that life is better than he had lived on the streets and tuck him into a cozy bed at night. YOU are the one to let him see that there is an endless supply of food and he never needs to go hungry ever again, and YOU are the one to show him that love and cuddles are never ending. YOU make all the difference in the world to this poor soul.
Fostering teaches children empathy and responsibility - important character traits they will rely on throughout their life.
People say to me all the time, "I couldn't do it. I would keep them all." Not true. Just the fact that you have made such a big difference is so incredibly rewarding. There are so many kittens and cats in need; there is always someone else coming to us that needs us. However, what if you do fall in love? Then that precious baby still has a home, so we did our job in getting him into a great home, didn't we?
To be a foster, all you need to have is love, compassion, and a semi-quiet, safe area for your cat(s) to stay. You can foster a mom and kittens, a single orphaned kitten, a family of kittens who have lost their mommy, an adult cat...anything you would like. Simply fill out the form at the top of the page and email it to me at GoodMews22@aol.com . You will receive an interview so that we can learn more about you and possibly a home visit. Once we receive a kitten or cat who is in need of a foster home, we will contact you.
Basic necessities such as large dog crates or play tents to house kittens, food bowls, litter, and litter pans, and beds may be provided, if available. Foster families should expect to purchase food and litter. All medical care will be covered by FFC, must be approved in advance, with our vet being used. If necessary, you will be directed to an FFC approved hospital or clinic.